Blogroll, Customer Quilts, Longarm Quilting, Longarm quilting Thunder Bay, Quilting, Thunder Bay, Wendys Quilting

Fun Freehand Quilting inspired by Judi Madsen

Ok the days are getting longer…it’s good to see more daylight everyday and although it’s been a longer and colder than usual winter I continue to try to be optimistic that spring is still determined to show up within the next couple of months!

This quilt of Margs was here for some time, it was in the cue and almost to the time to quilt stage when Marg brought me here Thimbleberries block of the month and asked to do that one first.

Right about the time this quilt came up again this book also arrived


And I knew that I had to play, I love it when my customers let me play with their quilts! And thank you to Judi Madsen of for so much inspiration!





Blogroll, Friends, Quilting, Thunder Bay Quilters Guild

Cheryl Arkison Workshop

As April begins to wind down, I sit here with my coffee (I just woke up after a wonderful sleep following a midnight shift that I went into with far too little sleep but amazed myself with the second, third and fourth wind that I found!) wow what a month!

The last weekend was definitely a highlight of fun, friendship, eye candy, inspiration and not enough hours in the day.

I woke this afternoon trying to figure out how I could squeeze a little time on my longarm, there’s just no way, so I’ve made a date with it tomorrow morning!

One of the major highlights of the weekend was the workshop that I took with Cheryl Arkison I’ve followed her blog for ages and remember being drawn to her blog, not only for her quilting but her real ness. She is a wife, Busy mom of three little ones and a passionate quilter with an amazing imagination that I so admire.


Her class was fun and so inspiring for me. She taught me to look at my scraps and stash in a whole new way…and I gave myself permission to just play and see where my scraps and imagination lead me!


I had finished all of the all green section in class and the carried on overnight which really helped me to stay awake!

Blogroll, Customer Quilts, Longarm Quilting, Quilting, Wendys Quilting

Suzanne’s Stars and Modern Quilting

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’ve been gaining some new quilting ideas from some new sources. Thank you Suzanne for letting me do what I wanted on this quilt it really was fun to do!

(It’s so hard to believe that this picture was taken yesterday morning, no jacket on and this morning the same table had almost 10” of snow on it!)


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Blogroll, Quilting, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay Quilters Guild, Uncategorized

Thunder Bay Quilters Guild Teddy Bear Quilts

Every November during one of the hockey games in town there is what is called a Teddy Bear drop when the audience throws stuffed animals on the ice after the first goal is made.

Later these critters and many more end up donated and received by the the guild. Members choose one or more and take them home to make them a little quilt. They are all brought back to the November meeting and will be given to children for Christmas through our local Christmas Cheer!

This is just some of them!

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My little bear was very outdoorsy so his quilt  was made as if it was going to be in a fishing/hunting type of camp. (don’t ask me why I didn’t take a picture of the quilt, because I really don’t know)

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Alva was able to finally finish up her flannel fatquarter bundle for her bear, what a wonderful snuggly quilt for a little one to enjoy! (this picture was taken before the meeting when Alva always offers a tutorial on a different technique.)

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The most fun and artistic one and my personal favourite was the one that Joyce McKinnon made for her Bunny. She made Cabbage Leaves and added a crocheted carrot!

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Blogroll, Customer Quilts, Longarm Quilting, Quilting, Thunder Bay Quilters Guild, Wendys Quilting

Autumn and Flannels

I love to visit these falls, they are tucked behind a short paved trail just south of the border. We often stop in the spring and again later in the summer, Marlene and I stopped for a short walk when we went to the border a couple weeks ago. Although it was a very misty grey day we were rewarded with beautiful colours and of course the view of the falls.


and don’t the colours of the above picture go along with these two quilts by Alva.

This is the quilt that Alva demonstrated the blocks for, at Thunder Bay Quilters Guild October meeting.

It is quilted using the Bayside Pantograph (by Lorien Quilting)


and another, also by Alva who bought a Fat Quarter Bundle of these Flannels and has been getting incredible mileage from it. I quilted this sweet lap quilt with the Waterworld Pantograph (by Jodi Beamish)


Blogroll, Customer Quilts, Family, Grandson, Life, Longarm Quilting, Quilting, Wendys Quilting

A very busy and productive week…

Last week flew by, I had a visitor for the week which made each day full and busy…

While Liam was here the kids asked me to try to capture his 10 month picture (tail end of his 10th month)  on his quilt. He started walking a few weeks ago and ever since he has been in constant motion.


One day though I caught him sitting still, he had pulled an empty laundry basket off of the table and climbed in..


While visiting Grandma he also managed to cut 2 molars so the first few days of his visit were pretty tough but all in all we managed well.

During naps I was able to finish a few customer quilts

this pile shows 5 of the 6 that I quilted for day after she has seen them I will be post some of her quilts!


I also managed to finish this queen size quilt that shows what a Longarm Quilter can do with a pre-printed fabric! This is quilted using Michelle Wyman’s Star Swirl Pantograph.



I was also able to finish a custom Thimbleberries King Quilt that I forgot to take pictures of as well as a flannel lap quilt for Alva which will be shown in my next post.

Did I mention that after Liam went home I went to bed early and slept late!

Blogroll, Customer Quilts, Friends, Longarm Quilting, Ontario, Quilting, Wendys Quilting

Why I Love Quilting for my Customers

1. I love quilts, all quilts. Yes some are not necessarily my taste but then that will present a challenge for me which helps me to grow as a quilter. Also I never know what my customers are piecing and I love to see new quilts.

this is my Moms quilt, she pieced it and embroidered each block. It was a Thimbleberries Club Block of the Month. These are not my colours, but I really love how it turned out and it lives on my Parents bed keeping them snuggly warm together which brings me great joy!


2. I love that my customers will often let me play with their quilts and give them suggestions that I think will work, and I also love when my customers want something in particular that might stretch me and cause me to grow in my skills.

This quilt that Tara brought me took me a while to complete, but was a pure joy to quilt and I still love looking at the pictures.  (the hand applique on this quilt is incredible!)


2. I love quilters, there is something about people who cut up fabric only to sew it all back together. We share a joy that perhaps non quilters don’t understand. When my customers bring me their tops they are usually very excited about having them quilted and getting them finished. Some are for personal use, some for special gifts and I get to share in the joy.

I have quilted a couple of wedding gift quilts for Terri, I love her colour choices!


3. I love helping beginner quilters learn more about this art, as a longarm quilter I’m often able to give encouragement and offer suggestions to the new quilter how they can grow as a quilter. I am also able to watch them progress in their quilting skills..

this is a sweet baby quilt that Ellen made for her Grandson before he arrived she did an incredible job on this quilt and has continued to grow in her skills and her joy in quilting!


Mabel made 2 quilts this is one of them, she made them for her granddaughters and it was a true joy working with her!


4. I really love to have my customers come by with their quilts or for pick ups and have a little visit and share the joy of quilting.

Jeanette’s True North Strong and Free Quilt..I will be writing a separate post on this beauty!


5. I Love quilts, I love quilting and I love to share this joy with others!

Blogroll, Vintage Pyrex

My Love of Pyrex

In a previous post I shared some pictures of Pyrex and also my love of the Vintage pieces. I still have not found a replacement for the bowl I have (that is sadly faded from dishwasher use).

Yesterday I was able to add a Pink 4 pc set as well as a Gold 4 pc set and a matching casserole with lid to my collection. I will use these pieces  because they bring me joy! (though they will never ever see the inside of a dishwasher!!)


I’m still on the lookout for this one


My daughter Mary was with me when I bought my new pieces and assured me that she would like to have them when I no longer need them and hopefully some of her sisters would too.

birthday, Blogroll, Family, Fishing, Friends, Summer, Uncategorized

My Birthday Weekend

I love my Birthday, I consider it a celebration of life……years ago I decided that one day just wasn’t enough. So Although my Birthday is at the end of June I always say it’s not over until Erik and I have gone fishing and camping in September and he has to grill a smokie for me on the campfire.

Well my birthday is officially over…..I guess


We enjoyed a spectacular weekend of perfect weather. Two nights with campfires both nights were warm with a clear sky.


Three days of fishing


We caught our limit of Lake Trout……..Yumm!



and Bass

and then while Bass fishing I caught this (thankfully after 15 minutes of fighting with it Erik brought it in!) For those who don’t know it was a Pike (39” long and 14 lbs)


I love September fishing especially when we get great weather, I was also able to take a couple of swims……the weather has changed and we may only get a few warm days here and there before the cold air starts to settle in for the next several months.


Thank you Erik for another awesome Birthday Weekend!!!